Svelte - 103 (build a simple layout)


3 min read

Hey all, today will explore some nitty gritty of svelte for building layouts

concepts we will learn today:

  • Svelte basic project setup

  • Svelte routing

  • Slot - composable UI

  • Styling

Let's Begin

npm create vite@latest
- select project name
- select svelte
- select typescript(dont fear its js only)
- cd project folder
- npm run dev

so that's the initial setup and we will be on this screen

now please have a look at project folder - simple folder structure i would say

- src    
    - assets
    - lib - for components
    - app.css - global styles
    - main.ts - entry file

one interesting thing to note is its have dev dependencies, means only code which is req will be in bundle and most of the time its just html,css,js,assets


  • Counter.svelte file is svelte component,follows file based Naming

Code Structure

<script lang="ts">
  let count: number = 0
  const increment = () => {
    count += 1

<button on:click={increment}>
  count is {count}

if we look at lib/Counter.svelte it has script tag and html tag

  • svelte is all about html for dynamic part we have script and also it has scoped styles

  • count is dynamic variable and we are updating that with increment function when button is clicked, so that's how we define event listener attach event handler

  • {count} is template , where ever you see braces , assume its svelte territory svelte handles it

react devs could relate to it

best part is most of the optimization part is handled by svelte (compiler)

Milestone - 1

what we saw till now ?

  • Installation Part

  • folder structure

  • Default Component

  • code structure (Counter.svelte)

  • templating

Building Base for our svelte project

Let's use <slot/> to compose our UI better

  • create Header.svelte Footer.svelte Layout.svelte

  • give some text for header and footer

Layout.svelte would look like this

that's quite interesting na !?

in svelte we can provide multiple slots and define name for it

when to use layout ? when we have common elements like footer, header and layout

now similar to body slot we can provide other slots as well for dashboard page, profile page, settings page means wow!!

How to use Slots to compose UI

here we are defining the slot name by passing a attribute to div slot="body", pretty simple right

Output :

that's great we got the spa working right there, now what about navigation to other pages (MPA)

npm i -D svelte-routing

this is routing package for svelte

Router Setup


Looks neat! right

  • we are still able to use our Layout wrapper

  • and we have already defined slot placeholder so body slot value will be changed

for routing we need nav too, just add the links for respective navlinks

and yes we are building some interesting games application - with Home, Profile and Games Page

Create Home, Profile and Games page with basic content


Styling ๐ŸŽจ

we will write some css

css is scoped in svelte


in svelte styles are scoped and only used for direct visible html elements and classes defined in file

see for navlinks part i am using :global() function because Link -> a tag but its not directly visible over here

Similarly we can also have global styles defined for whole webpage in styles.css

I did applied some styling

That brings end to this blog

we explored essential topics for building reuable-layouts and basic routing

